Our Inception

Make a Difference

In 2005, at the conception of the program, our founder Alesia Brinson noticed two preteen girls preparing to enter an area that was not conducive for young ladies. Alesia knew she had to intervene in what could have been a life altering moment. That day helped define 1 On 1 Mentoring and ever since it has been our mission to make sure vulnerable youth in Decatur County know they have at least one adult who truly cares for them.  

Community Involvement

Our 1 On 1 Mentors are positive volunteers from the community who take the time to visit their mentee on campus at least twice a month to have breakfast or lunch and a conversation. 

Additionally, the 1 On 1 Mentoring Program regularly hosts life-skills and other encouragement events for all program mentees throughout the academic year. 1 On 1 Mentoring also intervenes to support urgent mentee personal needs.  

Continued Impact

As a nonprofit organization, we are grateful for all tax-deductible financial donations to sustain our initiatives. Your financial support will help us to continue our commitment to making a difference in the lives of vulnerable youth in Decatur County. We would appreciate your donation!

Support our Mission